We all know that brands spend millions, if not more, each year on their advertising and marketing campaigns. This includes, but is not limited to, print media, visual communication, social media platforms etc. But none of these mediums, till date, has the super power that word of mouth advertising has.
There is a simple enough reason for this. The adage “seeing is believing” holds true to a large extent here. However, seeing something being used by a known person, such as a friend holds more water than you can think of.
From clothes to shoes, toothpaste to shampoos, vehicles to technology, we always gravitate towards a particular brand that someone in our social circle has or uses. That’s purely because of the easy and seamless access to feedback about the said product. All you need to do is talk to your friend and know literally every single pro and con of the product. This goes on to play a major role in your buying decision.
But all the word of mouth advertising can fall flat on its face if there is no effectiveness in how it is being communicated to the other person. And this is where possessing excellent communication skills plays a massive role.
So if you are an entrepreneur, a small brand or a large player in today’s marketplace, and want to upgrade your communication skills and techniques from a marketing perspective, English Arcade is where you should be. With a cumulative experience of over three decades, plus the benefit of having highly qualified trainers in our team, there is simply no reason for you to look any further.
Call or WhatsApp us for more information, NOW!